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Redundancy, Business Reorganisations, Outsourcing, Sales & Transfers

Redundancy and Business Reorganisations

A number of issues often arise when employees are faced with Redundancy or organisational change of any kind.

We advise employees on how to approach discussions with their employer – both at the consultation stage and also further down the line when decisions have been, or are about to be, made.

We offer practical advice to employees facing the prospect of a new job role or new reporting lines.

In the case of redundancy, we can assist with the negotiation of any redundancy package and also advise on Settlement Agreements which employees are usually required to sign.

Outsourcing and TUPE transfers

We advise employees affected by outsourcing and any other business transfer, including the special protection afforded to them under the TUPE Regulations.

Company and Business Sales

We can advise employees on the effect of the sale of any company or business connected with their employment and any resulting changes to their employment.


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